The Rūnanga is a comission of the NZCBC. It meets twice yearly in different parts on New Zealand (usually one meeting in the North Island and one in the South).
Rūnanga members are appointed to represent the 6 different diocese of NZ. The bishops appoint two delegates per diocese.
There are also representatives from the clergy and the secretary is appointed by the Rūnanga executive.
Te Kahui o te Ariki is the name given by Pihopa Takuira to the combined grouping of Maori Priests, Maori Religious Brothers and Sisters.
In the past the group met to talk about issues affecting Catholic Maori. After his consecration as Bishop Pihopa Takuira Mariu saw Te Kahui o te Ariki as his advisory group on matters pertaining to Pastoral Care of Maori.
Top: Pa Hemi, Sr Rose Harris, Sr Makareta Tawaroa, Sr Makareta Gilbert, Sr M Katarina Mariu, Mons Rawiri Bennett, Sr Mary Martin McCort
Right hand side of stairs: Pa Tony Brown
Left hand side of stairs: Sr Tui Cadigan