Te Rūnanga o te Hāhi Katorika ki AotearoaLogo


Explanation of Logo

The triangle is a fundamental element of Mäori art. The black edge symbolizes the impenetrable mystery of the Holy Trinity, who are represented by the points of the triangle.

te moana Represents te moana (the sea) upon which Christianity was carried to these shores (Aotearoa-New Zealand)
broken circle The broken circle symbolizes Christianity’s penetration of the Mäori world
the four winds Represents the spreading of the word to Ngä Hau e Whä (The Four Winds) of Aotearoa-New Zealand
Church Represents the Church which had its origin in Aotearoa among te Iwi Mäori, and moved on to serve both races
Seed of God's Word This section represents the seeds of God’s word already planted in the roots of Mäoridom
New life in Christ The growing out of the “undefined’ cross represents “New Life” in Christ and his perfecting of Mäori culture