Therefore the purpose of the ACTION PLAN identifies what, how, when and where 11 key strategic areas will be rolled out. Therefore the following pages are dedicated to each of respective areas.
The Māori text for Eucharistic prayers which were submitted to Rome to be located to hasten it's return to enable immediate implementation.
Māori/English rites for Baptism and Reconciliation will be available to all diocese by the end of 2002.
Māori/English rites for all Sacraments to be drawn up and submitted for authorization and to be implemented by 2005.
To develop kaiarahi/kaikarakia within Catholic whänau and to target five whänau for each rohe/diocese.
The community of Hapü will nominate a member for Katekita training and commissioning ith the knowledge that this role continues into the wider community representing the Hähi.
Each rohe/diocese is to continue to provide training opportunities for current and potential Kaiarahi, Kaikarakia and Katekita annually.
A retreat will be held within rohe/diocese or a combination of diocese' annually, as part of katekita Leadership training.
Māori Theology Courses at Certificate, Diploma and Degree Levels presented through The Catholic Institute of Theology, Te Putahi Mätauranga Whakapono Katorika, and Auckland University will be held in Tämaki Makaurau (Auckland), with outreach to other diocese to commence in 2001.
That three Retreat/ Hui/ Seminar on Māori Spirituality and Theology be held in each rohe or diocese annually. Implementation to commence in 2001.
Māori Theology and Spirituality Courses form an essential component of this training programme which will also acknowledge tribal areas within each diocese.
Two audio tapes of new and traditional hymns will be made available from 2002. Other Musical resources are available on CD with music book from Pa Wiremu Tuerlings at 165 Balmoral Drive, Tokoroa. E- mail address:, and an audio tape and booklet from Richard Woodhouse, Turangi.
The Colleges of Hato Hohepa, Hato Paora and Hato Petera will be invited to produce a CD with a differing selection of hymns. One will be produced in 2002, another in 2003, and the third in 2004, with a triple- pack to be available in 2005.
To produce one video with relevant graphics, with appropriate adaptation for Junior, Intermediate and Senior audience of real-life experiences to enhance our understanding of Spirituality between 2002-2005.
Te Runanga will work with the N.Z. Catholic Bishops' Conference, each Diocesan Bishop and the Māori Episcopal Vicar in the development and implementation of the Plan.
As Pihopa and Episcopal Deputy to Te Runanga Katorika, ensure that the objectives are realised and report to the N.Z. Catholic Bishops' Conference.
Overall co-ordinating agency, under Te Pihopa. Initiate, promote and monitor the progress of the Plan.
As priests and religious they support Te Pihopa by advising in matters concerning religious life, priesthood, vocations and pastoral ministry.
Promotes the Plan under the direction of Te Runanga Katorika. Develops training programmes for the implementation of the Plan.
The Bishop and Auxiliary, Diocesan Departments, Diocesan Commissions, Diocesan Personnel, Episcopal Vicar for Māori, Māori Mission and Māori Mass Centres, Catholic Māori organisations, Māori College and parishes.
The Bishop and Auxiliary, Diocesan Departments, Diocesan Commissions, Diocesan Personnel, Māori Mission and Māori Mass Centres, Catholic Māori organisations and parishes.
The Bishop and Auxiliary, Diocesan Departments, Diocesan Commissions, Diocesan Personnel, Māori Mission and Māori Mass Centres, Catholic Māori organisations, Māori Colleges and parishes.
The Cardinal and Auxiliary Bishop, Diocesan Departments, Diocesan Commissions, Diocesan Personnel, Māori Mission and Māori Mass Centres, Catholic Māori organisations and parishes.
The Bishop, diocesan Departments, Diocesan Commissions, Diocesan Personnel, Māori Mission and Māori Mass Centres, Catholic Māori organisations and parishes.
The Bishop, Diocesan Departments, Diocesan Commissions, Diocesan Personnel, Māori Mission and Māori Mass Centres, Catholic Māori organisations and parishes.
Religious Orders, Seminaries and Houses of Formation, Catholic Newspapers and publications.