The Catholic Church has different seasons throughout the year. These seasons include Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.
Advent is the season before Christmas to prepare for the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Catholics prepare by prayer and reflection of Jesus's birth.
The first two weeks focus on Jesus final coming as Lord and Judge. The last eight days focus on his coming in history (Christmas)
The first Sunday of Advent in the first day of the Church year.
Christmas is a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. This holiday is celebrated on December 25.
Christmastide follows, with its conclusion at Epiphany. During this time the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God (Jan 1) and the Feast of the Holy Family (Sunday after Christmas) are celebrated.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends the day before Easter Sunday. This is a time of repentance and preparation for the Easter season
The last week of Lent is called Holy Week beginning with Palm Sunday, and then Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper, and Good Friday the passion and death of Jesus.
The bishop of the diocese usually celebrates the Chrism Mass on the Wednesday of Holy Week.
The Easter season is when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because of the importance of the feast, the season lasts 50 days finishing on Pentecost Sunday.
Ordinary time means numbered or ordered time. Ordinary time is broken down into two parts. The first part is the Monday after the Baptism of Jesus Christ to Ash Wednesday. The second part is from Pentecost Monday to the first Sunday of Advent.
If people would like a copy of "NGA HIMENE" (plus CD), please contact:
Father W Tuerlings
3/409 Westcoast Road
Glen Eden
Waitakere 0602
Phone: (09) 813 6612
Copies are available from Father Tuerlings at the cost of $35 inclusive of packing and postage.
Father Tuerlings also has one other CD with a variety of contents:
1) Crosswords
2) Maori Mission and Mill Hill
3) Sermons
4) Waihi Choir
The following hïmene are a sample of what you can expect to see in the “Ngā Hīmene” booklet.
MO TE HAERENGA MAI (Advent) Haere Mai (1) |
MO TE WHANAUTANGA O HEHU (Christmas) Anahera Ataahua |
MO RENETI (Lent) Aue! Ka he ahau
MO TE ARANGA (Easter) Hari tonu |
KI TE ATUA (In Honour of God) E te Atua |
KI A HEHU KARAITI (In Honour of Jesus Christ) E Hehu toku hepara |
KI TE WAIRUA TAPU (Holy Spirit) E te Wairua Tapu, haere mai (1) |
KI TE HAKARAMETA TAPU RAWA (Blessed Sacrament) E Hehu i te Tapenakara (1) |
KI A HATA MARIA TAKAKAU (In Honour of Our Lady) Awe, e te whetü (1) |
KI A HATO HOHEPA (In Honour of St Joseph) Aroha ki a Hohepa (1) |
MO NGA TUPAPAKU (The Faithful Departed) He kainga takiwä |
The selection of appropriate hymns for the mass should be selected according to the readings of the day.
There is a great range of “General” hymns in the "Nga Himene" book, and the CD has the tunes.
Father Tuerlings "Nga Hmene" booklet gives a wide range of appropriate hymns that can be utilised according to the season of the Church. The hymns above are a sample of this.